Professor Elizabeth Meiering

 University of Waterloo, Canada





Liz received a BSc degree in Honours Chemistry, Physics Option in 1988 from the University of Waterloo.  She obtained her PhD in 1992 from the University of Cambridge for her thesis on the influence of active site residues on the folding and function of barnase, under the supervision of Professor Sir Alan Fersht in the Department of Chemistry.  She then worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology.  Her postdoctoral research was on the activity and drug binding of dihydrofolate reductase analyzed by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR in the group of Professor Gerhard Wagner.  
In 1996, Dr. Meiering joined the faculty of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, where she currently holds the position of full professor.  She won a John Charles Polanyi Award and a University Research Chair.  Her professional activities have included serving on the Editorial Board for Protein Engineering Design and Selection, the ALS Society of Canada Scientific Advisory Board, CIHR Operating Grant Review Committee, NIH Program Grant Review Panel, and a wide range of other external and internal committees and roles, including most recently as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Waterloo.