Professor Dame Carol Robinson 

 University of Oxford, UK






Carol Robinson holds the Chair of Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford.  She is recognised  for using mass spectrometry to further her research into the 3D structure of proteins.  Her most recent work is concerned with examining how small molecules, specifically lipids, impact on the structure and function of membrane assemblies.   

Carol’s graduate education was completed whilst working full-time in a post in industry.  She was subsequently admitted to the University of Cambridge where she completed her PhD in two years.  Following an eight-year career break to begin raising her three children, she returned to research at Oxford.  In 2001 she accepted the post of Professor of Mass Spectrometry at the University of Cambridge, returning to Oxford in 2009 to take up the Chair of Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry.

Her research has attracted international awards and prizes including the Anfinsen Award from the Protein Society, the Biemann Medal from the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, the Davy Medal and the Rosalind Franklin Award from the Royal Society, the HUPO Award for Distinguished Achievement in Proteomic Science, and the Anatrace Award for Membrane Proteins from the American Biophysical Society.  Carol also holds three honorary doctorates and received a DBE in 2013 for her contribution to science.